ULTRA Programming Kit

The ULTRA Programming Kit allows users to update firmware on all modules of MotoCrane ULTRA. In addition to the Operation Manual, tutorials are below for step-by-step walkthroughs of each process.


 Included components

MicroUSB Cable

MicroUSB Cable

Flashloader Ribbon Cable

Flashloader Ribbon Cable

USB w/ Controller files

USB w/ Controller files

ATMEL ICE Flashloader

ATMEL ICE Flashloader

MAIN PWR Programming Cable

MAIN PWR Programming Cable

Touchscreen Display Harness

Touchscreen Display Harness

Video Tutorials

Controller Board

Lift Encoder Board

Controller Display


ULTRA Turret

Swing Encoder Board

Ordering Information

The ULTRA Programming Kit is available with the submission of a security deposit. You may choose to keep your ULTRA Programming Kit at no additional cost, as it can be used for updating the other modules of ULTRA.

*Please contact support@motocrane.com if you have any questions before starting your firmware updates.